
Showing posts from August, 2019

Reflective Blog on STEM Education

If I was explaining STEM education to a friend or family member, I would just explain that it is a more modernized way of teaching that depends on integrating content from numerous disciplines. Within the acronym, there are the four disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Students whom are the participants of STEM education are being given a chance to connect the content they are learning to the real world. Generally, I view educators as being the one who prepares our students for the road ahead. Therefore, I view STEM educators as the individuals who will develop our youth into being critical thinkers that will be able to apply their habits of success to their aspiring career fields post-graduation. Based on the criteria that I had mentioned previously, I do think that STEM education is extremely important for not only educating adolescents but also adults. As we all know the world is ever changing and is adapting to the wants and needs of citi

IEP Meeting Reflection

           Out of all the concepts regarding the IEP process and meeting I have learned thus far; I found the going over a child’s schedule to be the most interesting. This is mainly due to the ideal that when I was on the IEP, I for whatever reason was under the impression that in determining the services needed for the child, the focus was solely on the courses that the child struggled in the most. For instance, when I first got put on an IEP, I had a hard time with speech and also with reading comprehension. Due to those weaknesses in my cognitive development, I thought that the only reason I had a special education teacher with me in my reading, science, and math classes because that was where I struggled the most. However, I did think of how my issues with reading comprehension would not necessarily be as much of a hindrance in a physical education class in comparison to a life science course.            In addition, I also find it interesting that during the IEP meeting

Somebody Else's Kids Report for Lori: Her Story and Best Ways to Accomodate her Needs

           The character that I am focusing this paper on is a seven-year-old girl by the name Lori. She is seven years old and have teachers who say that her kindness and compassion she has for others is impeccable given her background. She has this authentic love and care that she shows to everyone and treats her classmates both with and without disabilities Lori comes from a rough living environment where she was heavily abused (physically) as a child. One incident had left Lori with neurological damage to her brain and skull. Resulting from this beating, Lori suffered under the conditions of a fractured skull where her a fragment of her skull had pushed into her brain leading to catastrophic damage to her cognitive development. Some of her injuries include suffering with epilepsy, difficulty in concentrating on one task for a given time and has issues in class as she differentiates between letters of the alphabet. Based on the ideal that the cells in her brain do not replace them