
Showing posts from September, 2019

Reflective Blog on STEM Education

Over the past four weeks, I have gotten to see how various STEM practices and techniques can influence education in research, instruction, and observation. For my professional development plan, I have joined a team with my department where we work with cross cutting concepts that are presented in the curriculum for Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The way that my department teaches with this technique is to provide students with a packet for each unit. This packet will be used as a one stop shop to have students’ notes, classwork, homework assignments all in one place. As students further their academics, they will receive a packet for chemistry, integrated physics and chemistry, or physics (depending on how students perform in Biology). In the packet, there is the list of objectives that will be covered during the class period. Next to that textbox is a blank text box where students will be required to fill out the cross-cutting concept. To complete this task, students wi