
Showing posts from December, 2019

Halfway there... well almost

        This will be my fourth reflective blog and it is amazing to see the growth and improvement I have had thus far. While at times it has been a difficult journey, I have learned that I take criticism well. My face might not look like it while I am processing what is being said to me but I internalize the feedback I am given to allow for me to better myself as a teacher. Over the past two weeks, I have learned that things will not always be perfect. In my forensics classes, my kiddos just started their unit on impressions and we started to look at how a cast is made of a shoeprint using dental stone, dirt, and some water.         With this being my first time working with these materials, I was not expecting perfect results from each lab group but I was hopeful that I would at least get some good results. My first class of students casts looked like a pile of mush. At first I was disappointed that things did not work out and felt like I failed my students in not providing them wit