Hills and Valleys

This will be my third reflective blog that I have made for the school year thus far. As I have mentioned in my previous blog entries, it has been a rollercoaster. I have been preparing for an observation with School A and I have felt a great deal of stress given that I had to write my first observation for a student being unsafe in the science classroom. I was in a state of confusion and panic because I have never had to write one before within this scenario and was unsure of what to do. I came to my principal to figure out how to document this and then I found myself arguing back and forth about the phone policies in the school. While my principal was upset that a student in my class filmed what happened (misuse of flammable chemicals) I was thankful to the student who filmed because it validated everything I said within the behavioral referral. At the end of the conference, my principal was thankful that I came to clarify what to do so that I knew the correct procedures were being followed.

The day this incident took place, I had to set up a toxicology lab for my students and felt frustrated about having to stay late to finish setting it up and file the behavioral report. I left work that day feeling incompetent, unworthy, and that maybe that it is too soon for me to be teaching full time. However, I reflected back on the video chat I had with my group and remembered that I am not the only one who has felt this way in their first year of teaching and that has felt this way and every year beyond this one will get easier from here. The most important thing I have learned so far this year is to not let the crazy things that happen in life or the classroom harden my heart and change me in a negative way, I learned to be more firm and strict to reduce the odds of a student taking advantage of me and my kindness. In addition, I have also learned to have tough conversations with my kids in addressing not so great behavior in a way that they get the point without me yelling at them. From this conversation, there is a mutual respect for one another and I am hopeful that the negative days are behind me and nothing but joy and growth come from here.

-Sincerely a hopeful educator that only wants what is best for herself and her students 😊


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