
Showing posts from February, 2020

Classroom Management Goals

At the end of ED640, we were prompted to create goals for ourselves as educators to better serve the students we teach every day. My overall goal is to keep my students engaged in activity from bell to bell. One of the biggest battles I have had in classroom management is that my students were not always engaged in lesson activities. This would cause for my students to become bored and thus engage in off task behavior that usually consisted of side conversations that distracted the class from the tasks that they were supposed to be accomplishing at that time. To better alleviate these issues, I really took the time to get to know my students and I realized that they love to have any excuse to move around. Therefore, I made an effort to create jobs for my few students that love to move around. One of my newest classroom management strategies was to incorporate a sticker system for successful completion of the bell ringer/ drill prior to the timer going off after five minutes have elap