
Showing posts from April, 2020

Demographics and Socio-economic Status

In the school I am currently at, I have a mixture of different ethnic backgrounds, but overall I still do have Caucasian children in the majority of my six classes. In the total one hundred and thirty-five students I teach, there are nineteen African American, one Hispanic, and one hundred fifteen Caucasian students. The one Hispanic student I have in class does have English as a second language, but he is adapting well to his surroundings. However, I have found that even though the student understands and can speak the English language well, there seems to be a disconnect with taking tests. When I do talk with this student to determine where things might have went wrong, we came to the conclusion that the student just did not fully understand what the question was specifically asking or misread an answer to a question and ended up selecting the wrong response by mistake. In all honesty, we have all been there were at some point on a test we misread a question or answer and ended up