Phone Calls Galore

For my time as a new teacher, we are into the third quarter so I have seen that there has been a decline in the work ethic in my students. Particularly with my Biology kiddos, I sense their feeling of frustration because of the lack of snow days and the consistent five day school weeks. However, there was a day where six consistent students were not doing the right thing (school and classroom policy wise). Normally, I try to give students benefit of the doubt and if they correct their behavior after a warning, I do not always feel the need to call home. However, my students’ behavior persisted which in turn resulted in me calling six parents that day!

            When I called each parent, they all were supportive and understood that I care about their child and just want them to be in an environment where they are able to learn in the best environment possible. One parent I called was about phone use, and I just read over the policy and contract signed by both the parents and child. I reminded the parents that cell phones are not to be used in class as it serves as a distraction to both the student using the phone and other students around them. I also acknowledged that parents truly work hard to provide phones for their children as a form of communication and I do not want the phone situation to end up to where you will have to be inconvenienced to come and retrieve your child’s phone from the main office.

            After talking with this parent, I got great feedback and the very next day, my student had a better attitude and placed the phone in the caddy. As for the other parents, I talked with each parent and shared my concerns and ever since then, students have been making a better effort to do the right things in class.


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